Who We Are
Our name, 5iveAlone is a reference to the Five Solas of the Reformation. We believe that salvation (and really all of the Christian life) is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, as found in the Scriptures Alone, to the Glory of God Alone. We hope you will see these beliefs and values reflected in our designs.
Why are we on this adventure? Honestly, we aren’t looking or expecting to make much, if any, money. We want you to stop by for the family worship guides even if you never buy anything. Each of the worship guides is based on one of our designs. We really just want what God has used to impact our lives to impact the lives of other families through the devotionals. That is how God will be most glorified through the designs of 5iveAlone. If someone actually does buy something, well, that is just some awesome frosting on the cake!
We believe God designed each person with purpose, so that is how we should approach design as well. You won't find any designs from 5iveAlone that are designed simply for the purpose of being stylish or to make money from the latest design trend or Christian buzzwords. If a quote, or phrase, or Bible verse hasn't had a personal impact on us, it won't get designed. We want God to be glorified and His truth magnified through our designs and we believe that happens only when something is a life-message and not just slapping whatever is the latest and greatest on a shirt.
5iveAlone is really just me, Jon, and my wife, Carra (and our seven kids who are quick to give input on my designs). I have been in full-time ministry for over 20 years- the majority of that time as a family pastor. I am also an independent wannabe designer with a desire to glorify God and proclaim His truth through my designs.

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Our orders are fulfilled through third party websites. Our line of apparel is fulfilled by Redbubble and our line of Home & Office merchandise is fulfilled by Zazzle and Redbubble. When clicking to look at or buy an item you will be redirected to the appropriate website. Thank you for visiting 5iveAlone!